How AI is Saving Me $5K Per Month

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Imagine saving thousands of dollars each month without breaking a sweat. Sounds too good to be true? Let me tell you how AI is making this a reality for me.

Saving Hours in My Actuarial Work

Here's a quick example. I needed a VBA macro code. I typed a prompt, and in 30 seconds, I had a clean, functional code. Manually, it would have taken me 15 minutes to write this code. This is just one instance. AI helps me create documentation, summarize detailed reports, prepare presentations, take meeting notes, and even write emails. Valuation Manual itself is hundreds of pages. I asked (the revolutionary AI actuarial chatbot that I developed and launched late last year) questions from the Valuation Manual, and it gives me answers with a few seconds.

By the most conservative measure, if AI is saving me 10 hours per month, then applying my hourly consulting rate on that means I'm saving quite a bit. In reality, the time saved is even more than 10 hours, allowing me to allocate that time to billable work instead.

CoPilot AI: LinkedIn Prospecting & Messaging Automation

As an independent actuarial consultant, marketing and sales are on my plate. I used to pay an agency $600 a month to manage my LinkedIn messaging campaigns. They targeted senior actuarial professionals, crafted messages, and handled replies. It was worth it, given the potential projects worth tens of thousands.

Then I discovered CoPilot AI. For half the cost, it automates the entire process. I set the scripts, choose my target audience, and it does the rest. I can even manage multiple campaigns simultaneously—something my agency would have charged extra for.

MyActuary.AI: A Lead Magnet

While not directly monetized, MyActuary.AI is my lead magnet for newsletter subscribers. It showcases the power of AI and draws in a steady stream of new readers to the newsletter.

Replacing My Accountant

I was paying $600 per month for an accountant to manage payroll and taxes. Enter Gusto, an online payroll solution costing just $60 per month. It handles payroll, tax documents, and IRS filings efficiently. Although not purely AI, it leverages tech to save me a significant amount. These days, more of more companies are leveraging AI in their technology.

Editing Articles and LinkedIn Posts

ChatGPT is my go-to editor. It catches grammatical mistakes and enhances weak sentences or paragraphs. This saves me from hiring an editor, cutting down costs considerably.

Future Savings with AI

Looking ahead, I'm considering AI-powered virtual executive assistants. These AI tools can manage emails, invoices, travel arrangements, follow-ups, content creation, and market research. They promise efficiency at a fraction of the cost of a human assistant.

An example is Magic. Magic is an AI-powered personal assistant service that combines human expertise with advanced AI to perform a variety of tasks.

AI isn't just a tech buzzword; it's a practical solution saving me thousands each month. From automating tasks to managing payroll, editing content and finding consulting leads, AI is transforming my business operations.

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